
Detox Concept

In today’s modern society, we’re surrounded by potentially hazardous chemicals. Toxins are commonly found in food, water, household cleaners, containers, soil and air. What’s more alarming is that things we can’t see or touch also are harming our health. The new studies have shown that electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by wireless devices such as cell phones can be harmful to health. The worst part is we get toxins no matter how healthy our lifestyles are. It is impossible to avoid all toxins; therefore we have to do detoxification as regular health maintenance.

Patients with skin conditions, digestive complains, allergies, autoimmune disease, and cancer benefit the most form detoxification. It can help people restore balance of life and prevent chronic diseases. Many patients find out their chronic symptoms get much better after a detox. As a general health maintenance tool, detox is recommended to be done once every season.